Thursday, 12 November 2009

Giggles & Fundraising Planning

In the past few weeks Ross has giggled, something he has never done before, a total of 6 times. This needs a combination of factors; having had a decent sleep, a decent feed, a general good mood, lots of tickling, and something else we don't understand yet as he doesn't do it every time. But when he does it it's a few seconds of very normal-sounding giggling. You may think I'm going on about this a bit much but that's a massive step for Ross and one that shows that the future may bring other developments.

Recently I've also confirmed my entry for the London Marthon 2010. When I got the email confirming my place I was very pleased, and very annoyed at the same time - all those miles pounding the streets in the dark over the winter... I'm very pleased to say that 4 good friends, Craig Clarkson, Dave Phillips, Ross Arnott and Graham Cruden are joining me and we're raising money for both The Childrens Trust ( and the National Society for Epilepsy ( so at least we should have a bit of banter during the training and on the day (see the widgets on the top right of this page to see how our fundraising is going). The links to our fundraising websites are below; for The Children's Trust for The National Society for Epilepsy

We're also planning a charity Burns Supper in Edinburgh in February and a few other events to maximise fundraising - watch this space.

Over the past fews months we've been reducing the dosage of the steroids Ross has been on since he was 6 weeks old. There is a chance that in doing so his seizures return, but we're over half way and so far so good. It'll take until February to get him off them completely but he's still on 2 anti-epilepsy drugs plus several vitamins and minerals twice a day. And he really doesn't enjoy getting them...
Till next time here's a few more smiles...

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