Plans are also well underway for our charity Burns Supper which will be held in Duddingston Golf Club in Edinburgh on 23rd January. Not many tickets left and we're gathering up some great stuff for raffle prizes and the auction. Should be a good shindig...
The marathon training, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be going so well for me, but I suspect I'm not the only one. It looks like we'll be having to make some quick progress post Christmas!!!
With Fin in the house, things are really gearing up for Christmas this year, whereas in previous years it just sort of happened to him. I'm not expecting much sleep on Christmas Eve if his anticipation of Santa continues to grow.
And Ross is slowly but surely coming off his steroids medication. He's now down to 13mg per day (started at 40mg and we're reducing by 1mg per week) and so far so good in that there has been no sign of the seizures returning. We're really keeping our fingers crossed that continues. He has been without his glasses for the past week or so since a combination of incidents meant they kind of fell apart...but we're picking up the new ones today. He's also been enjoying some lights we rigged up - even seems to calm him down a bit when he's having an angry session. The therapy sessions seem endless for very little progress, but he has reached out towards toys a few times recently which is another big first for him.
He did get to go swimming in the pool at a local special needs school the other day and apparently absolutely loved it - must do more of that.
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